čtvrtek 26. června 2008

Unbearable lightness of running

This edition of Geronclub blog would be in English for a very practical reason. We have accepted new international member of the club and already together participated on the Olympic Run in Prague.

Usual start-up nervosity did not have sufficient time to emerge due to the fact that we came just on time for registration and were starting this 10k run very quickly after.

There have been the same runners and organizers which you can see in most of the running competitions throughout the country. We alredy know most of them so it was just good to see that we are no more newborns to the running world.


Weather was looking interesting with expected heavy rains and thunderstorm. We did not care much and continued to have strong macho opinions on how we would pray at the beginning for rain and at the end for sun. By then, we simply did not know that in a very short period of time our words would be overtaken by much more real happenings of the future.

Start was okay, with keeping pace for finish just around 50mins (appart from the new Gerontclub member who we lost after the first roundabout somewhere among the fastest runners).

On second K, it was clear that this run would be fun. Being overtaken by 5months old baby in such run is not something you would normally expect. Well, it happened (he/she was in the carriage pulled by his/her fresh mother and not running - thanks god).

After first round I have noticed that there is even a person walking in front of me (really fast walking but anyway still walking). The weather was meawhile changing rapidly with rising wind and thunderstorm getting really closer. After 40mins of run, heavy rain have started.


As we have discussed it later, consultant would say that by all available industry standards the rain was havy and banker would say that he should send an employee instead. Really, the sky got wide open and we all have been finishing in speeding river, completely wet and carrying heavy running shoes. At this point, Kundera came to my mind again - it was very clear to imagine what the Unbearable lightness of running would mean - heavy should, water all over yet still very high level of endorfines and rapidly approaching the finish line.

Thunderstorm finished as quickly as it started and you can see winning team on the foto below.

Gerontclub is still growing its member base and we would slowly start thinking on what to do with so many members. We may even organize Gerontclub cup, consisting of series of runs, triatlons and maybe even one survival. Let's see.

5 komentářů:

lark řekl(a)...

Humility is needed, when one wants to start running after thirty+ years of happy laziness. It was app. 4 years ago, at a 4km "Family run", that I got overtaken for the first time by a mother pulling sporty pram with her baby. At that time, however, I had no exposure to any sport whatsover... Yesterday, it was painful..... And - to make the humiliation perfect, I also got overtaken by a walker, which was completely unfair given all the hard work invested into my beloved hobby! Looks like I will have to reconsider "Running for Fun" concept, and start seriously training, or work much more on my humility....

Hundera řekl(a)...

Aj ríd ingliš kvajt vel. Čendžink pejdž lengvič is nou problem for mí. ;-]

Hundera řekl(a)...

Yesterday, I was at bike-race "Pražské schody". You should see the band of bikers riding down staircase in that heavy rain.
I was really surprised, that no one was hurt.

lark řekl(a)...

Actually, one more observation. When we were leaving for a pub to enjoy our well deserved (non-alcoholic) beer at Ladronka, we met probably the very last runner: a very old man, who did not give up the race because of some immaterial reason like deadly fug, subsequent whirldwind, or massive thunderstorm. What a brave heart it must have taken to finish the race knowing that even th slowest people like us were already on their way home! I remember to have met him on his 5th km, when I was on my 9th km.....

I wish I could do the same, if/when I am over 70... I wish I could continue fighting the windmills - running serious races - rather than bugging grandma with idiotic political opinions, wasting time gazing out of the window, watching stupid things on TV, or doing other imbecile things old men usually end up doing, when they give it up....

oldbar řekl(a)...

Tak,chlapci,ev.dívky,píšu česky.Díky za kurs anglického jazyka pro mírně pokročilé.Sice tomu rozumím,ale raději bych sičetla vaše úžasné úpříspěvky v češtině,neboť...nechci si hrát na intelektuála a zážitky se dají lépe vyjádřit v mateřštině.Ovšem...pokud je váš klub už mezinárodní,potom publikujte dvojjazyčně a uvidíme....Mám vás ráda i tak,třeba moje dcera také už nebude mluvit jinak než English,no,pak by mi bylo nutno se přizpůsobit.Hromy a blesky na vás!